Featured Pubs:
Patchway Sports and Social Club
Telephone: 0117 9493 952 / 07803293303
Email: generalenquiries@patchwaysportsandsocialclub.co.uk
Patchway Sports and Social Club is a popular place for away fans to visit on the way to watch their team play Bristol Rovers. Situated just off the A38, it is ideally placed for travelling fans on the way to the game. It boasts a large free car park that can accommodate cars and coaches on matchday.
The club is a large space, served by a bar and a large projector that shows live sport. It also has a pool table and dartboard that fans are welcome to use. The bar offers a fine selection of lagers, ales, ciders, wines, spirits, and soft drinks, complemented by an appetising menu with a variety of hot and cold food.